Headshots shoot with the wonderful actress Abigail, we had such a lovely shoot she chose the portfolio package so we could get a range of headshots and portraits!
Headshots shoot with the wonderful actress Abigail, we had such a lovely shoot she chose the portfolio package so we could get a range of headshots and portraits!
Headshots and portraits with Elan we had a chilled shoot getting his portfolio up to date! It was lovely to work with him on his recent headshots, I wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
The photo’s from the shoot can be seen below and on the faces section of the site.
Recent photoshoot in the Studio with the Amazing theatre actor Ché we had so much fun capturing headshots and Portraits together!
Check them out on the Portraits section of the site!
Had some studio fun towards the end of 2018, Had a headshot shoot with the lovely Andrew who is an actor from London who studied at LAMDA Drama school, some photos from our shoot can be seen below!
Headshots with Andrew
Headshots and portraits with Andrew
An amazing portrait shoot with Daisy Godfrey who is a local musician, we had a lot of fun creating some beautiful portraits for her portfolio!
Portraits with Daisy
Portraits with Daisy
Portraits with Daisy
More photos from these shoots can be seen on the Studio Portraits section of the website here.
Thought I would do a little update of whats been happening! I have been a little unwell so that took me out for a week and a half, but I’m healthy and well now so all is good!
Ive been in the studio again shooting headshots and playing with my lovely new hand painted backdrop from Bespoke Backdrops, it has a lovely colour and texture to it, and I look forward to creating some interesting portraits with this soon!
Some of the photos below have been shot on this new backdrop!
Portrait Of Ryan on the Bespoke hand painted backdrop!
Portrait Of Ryan on the Bespoke hand painted backdrop!
Headshot of ED.
Portrait of ED.
A few of the films I have worked on have had the all clear for the unit stills to be shared, so I’m happy to share some of these with you below. Some of which are from a lovely new music video orange from Artist Daithi which can be seen by clicking here Orange.
Checking the shot, BTS from a music video for Daithi.
Uni still from a music video for Daithi.
BTS of Director Lochlainn directing the Actor Diarmuid on a music video for Daithi.
MUA and costume working on the short film connective tissue.
Unit still from short film Connective Tissue.
DOP getting the shot on short film Connective tissue.
More from these films can be seen on the Unit Stills section of the website.
I’m busy on a few studio shoots and commercials over the next few weeks so will update you all with another blog soon!
Been busy in the studio again did a fun headshot shoot for Actor Tom Blyth, a local actor who is currently studying at Juilliard in New York, we created headshots and some posed portraits to!
These can be seen on the Studio Portraits page and some can be seen below!
Also had the lovely Actor Evadne in for a headshot shoot too, which was a lot of fun!
Again these can be seen below and on the Studio Portrait's page!
Heres a BTS shot of me showing Evadne the photos!